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ANYONE who has a student, knows a student, is friends with a student, was once a student themselves or just loves Battlefield High Theatre can be a member. To be an eligible voting member, you must be a parent or guardian of a student at Battlefield High School. In addition to attending meetings, all members are welcome to attend any Board Meeting. Contact us for more information as you won’t want to miss out on the fun. Our board meetings are a blast! 


2022-2023 Officers

Michael Kier                 President 

Nicole Lynch                Vice President (Fundraising Chair)

Open                            Secretary

Nidhi Sharma-Gaskill  Treasurer



Open                             Website Support

Open                             Playbill design

Robert McCloskey        Playbill Advertising    

Open                             Tech Week Meals Coordinator

Open                             Costume Support

Open                             Ticket booth Assistance

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