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The Battlefield Theater Booster Club is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

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It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 or 4

Yes, supporting the Battlefield High School

Theatre Program is easy! 

There are four ways:

Volunter your
time or skill

15000 Graduation Drive

 Haymarket, VA 20169

Donate Online

Make a tax deductible donation‏.

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Drop off or we pick up.

And it's still tax deductable!

Sponsor & Playbill Ads

Many ways to cover a specific event

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Battlefield HS Theatre

helps students develop important transferable life skills through the performing arts in areas of critical thinking, oral communications, time budgeting, analytical abilities, problem solving, self-discipline, goal oriented work and more.

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The Battlefield High School Theater Booster Club is not a program or department of the Prince William County Public Schools, but an independent organization which has obtained the approval of PWCS to support its schools, students, teams, programs, and extracurricular activities. All funds raised by Battlefield High School Theater Booster Club are used for approved school purposes.

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